Monday, January 24, 2011

My Favorite Long Beach 2010 Moments

[Editor’s note: This entry was originally posted on the old DieselFish blog on August 7, 2010]

This year’s Long Beach race was a blast – 48 hours of nonstop thrills and spills. There was so much to do and see!

Lining up the boat

*Medaling in Division 2A. Much better than last year! Our newbies went home with hardware!

*Cheering for the Youth Team in their championship race. Way to go, guys! The DieselFish God was very happy on Sunday – the kids won gold! 

*Introducing myself to the Chinese women’s team. “Xiao jie, dajia hao! Wo shi BILL. Wo shi Meiguo ren!” Hey Bill, have you been receiving a lot of angry phone calls from overseas? Now you know why.

*Watching Birk get sauced. While Birk was away from his seat, the kids spiked their beloved leader’s Coke with soy sauce, Tabasco, and lots of other crazy crap. Then they let him drink it. Funny lil’ bastards.

*Enjoying exotic drinks at the Purple Orchid. Joyce, Bob, and I had some time to kill, so we went to a tiki bar and sipped fruity, slushy rum drinks from mugs shaped like Polynesian statues. I left my sobriety in El Segundo.

*WALKING AROUND WITH THE DF TRAMP STAMP. I felt powerful, fashion forward, and filled with team spirit! Definitely a good look! [BRO FIST]

*Murdering pop classics at the Karaoke lounge. Raise your hand if you knew that Shun could sing. Anyone? It turns out that our Favorite Foreigner is big time into old school lover man R&B. On a sad note, O'Sum didn't get to sing his favorite Wonder Girls tune.

*Witnessing this:

It's like a frame from a Miyazaki movie!

Let’s do something like this again, in about a year or so…

Yours in the DieselFish God,

Head Captain, Lucky Season 13

Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish sound like fun? Go to now to sign up for a free practice session!

1 comment:

  1. Least favorite moment: Getting dunked. I'm not a coach... Why did I get tossed into the drink?
