Friday, December 28, 2012

DieselFish Holiday Card 2013

Check out this amazing 3D pop-out greeting card Charles made for the team!

I put it to good use. DieselFish Dragon Boat Team wishes you a happy 2013!

-Alex, the Minister of Newbie Happiness

Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish sound like fun? Go to now to sign up for a free practice session!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

First DieselFish Dragon Boat Race - Rene and Charles

DF: Hi! This is Rene and this is Charles. These guys just did their first race with DieselFish! How do you feel?
R: I feel good! I feel tired, but happy.
DF: Excellent! So when did you guys first join DieselFish?
R: About a month ago.
C: About a month-and-a-half.
DF: Why did you join DieselFish?
R: To get into shape, and get in a team again. It’s easier to keep it up and step up to the plate.
C: Similar. I was [wanting to] work out. Something outdoors. Without being stuck in a gym.
DF: What are you excited about this season? What do you want to do?
C: Beat these guys!
R: I’m with that!
DF: Thanks, guys! Have an awesome season! 

 -Alex, the Minister of Newbie Happiness
Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish sound like fun? Go to now to sign up for a free practice session!

Monday, July 23, 2012

First DieselFish Dragon Boat Race - Ellen

You never forget your first dragon boat race with DieselFish! Ellen rocked her first race back in May. Here’s what she had to say about it!

- The Minister of Newbie Happiness

DF: This is Ellen Reichert. She just joined DieselFish. She just finished her first race with the team. So how do you feel after your first race, Ellen?
ER: I feel exhilarated. I’m tired, but a really good kind of tired.
DF: What did you like most about your first race?
ER: I really liked the feeling of crossing the line for the first time. We’ve done it at practice, but it wasn’t the same. So it felt real good.
DF: Do you like practices?
ER: I do! I love practices! They’re the best! That’s what ends my day.
DF: Perfect! When did you join the team?
ER: About four months ago in January.
DF: And what do you like most about the team?
ER: I like the social aspect the most. It’s because when I moved here, I didn’t know anybody, and now I’ve met 40-plus great people that love to hang out and do fun things.
DF: What do you want to do this season?
ER: What do I want to do this season? I want to have a perfect race.
DF: There we go!
ER: A personal perfect race.
DF: You’re having a good start, Ellen!
ER: Awesome!
DF: Congratulations! DieselFish!

-Alex, the Minister of Newbie Happiness

Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish sound like fun? Go to now to sign up for a free practice session!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

DieselFish Youth's Coach Jenny

“Almost there, DFY,” shouts the coach perched at the front of the dragon boat. “Finish it, NOW!”

The DieselFish Youth (DFY) paddlers instantly shorten their stroke length and increase their rate. The boat suddenly surges through the water, forcing coach Jenny Tam to brace herself. The weather is warm on this Saturday afternoon, but she doesn’t feel like falling into the water. As the kids finish their practice race, a smile creeps across Tam’s face. Her kids have gotten even better.

Veteran coach and paddler Jenny Tam recently started coaching DFY, DieselFish Dragon Boat Team’s high school division, and she couldn’t be more excited. “DFY is EPIC!” she exclaimed. “They are so smart, hard working and fun. But most importantly, they have a lot of heart and spirit.”

Tam would know. She spent three years as an assistant coach for Galileo High School’s respected Celestial Dragons team. She then took a brief break from coaching to “focus on paddling.” But Tam couldn’t stay away from coaching for long. “I got to drum for DFY last year at the Long Beach and Treasure Island races. I thought the kids were pretty awesome. They love dragon boating as much as I do, and they made me miss coaching.” DieselFish’s head coach, Birk Lee, sensed this longing and approached Coach Jenny about taking over as DFY’s coach.

“Jenny was a natural choice for the DFY Head Coach position,” said Lee. “She coached Galileo High’s dragon boat team before, and has a young energy that makes her a fun coach for kids.”

Since taking her position at the front of the boat, Tam’s DieselFish Youth team earned a silver medal at the recent California Dragon Boat Association Youth Race. “Silver! Need I say more?” Tam beamed. “I’m so proud of them! These kids turn it on when they get on the water. They are so strong, great competitors and bring the power in the boat when I ask for it. They work hard and do not take anything for granted - this is the kind of team I love coaching.”

Tam’s goals for the rest of the season are grand. “The sky is the limit,” she explained. “I want the kids to work hard, win big and have fun along the way.”

To achieve this goal, Tam introduced new drills emphasizing “technique and mental focus.” She also began running activities off the water emphasizing “fitness, team bonding and having fun.”

According to Lee, Tam is “Tough. Fair. Committed. Loud.” He went on to say that Tam “doesn’t take sugar coat things or take back talk from her paddlers. But she also practices what she preaches. As a paddler, she practices the technique that she coaches and comes out to all the practices regardless.”

“Jenny cares about the kids she coaches, both on and off the boat,” said Lee. “She wants to make an impact on them as they develop as paddlers and as people. Jenny is a great one-on-one coach. And she has a coaching technique where she walks down a boat to individually adjust paddlers that I really admire. Jenny is also team player, and a valuable member of the DieselFish coaching staff.”

The DFY kids are full of praise for their new coach. “I am excited about having Jenny coach the team because her energy and heart are so contagious,” said Tiffany Ly Su, a third year veteran of the team. “She has a great attitude towards everything and always looks at everything in a positive light. Her passion for coaching and paddling is not something many people have. To get the opportunity to have a person like her to coach really makes DFY happy, and we couldn’t be happier!”

Ly Su went on to say she feels Tam knows “her stuff and executes it well,” and “she is proud of us as long as we give it 100%, and that’s all she could ask from us.”

This respect and affection is mutual. “They are all stars,” gushed Tam. “I don’t have favorites - you only paddle as strong as your weakest paddler. That’s why I love this sport; some of the kids are super athletes, but for others it’s their first sport. All the paddlers put such a great effort into being on this team and working hard. Paddling with DFY is truly a team sport. I know what stands out - effort and the commitment that generates results.”

As the DFY dragon boat pulls into the dock, Tam puts the team on notice. “Back and front rows out first!” she instructs. “Let’s do a cool-down stretch before we debrief.” Tam runs a tight ship.

-Alex, the Minister of Newbie Happiness

Coach Jenny and Tiffany

Raising the Team

It’s take a village to raise a high school dragon boat team. Here are some of the adults that volunteer their time to run DFY. Excited and enthusiastic commentary provided by Coach Jenny Tam:

Dennis Chen: The younger brother I never had. Thanks for steering all the time, funneling teen gossip, teaching me what’s “hip” these days and giving great insight, the young jedi that you are. He has great experience paddling from college to international!

Frank and Janet Fung: The FUNGS (Frank + Janet = Franet) - THANK YOU! Super parents - you think they would have 30 kids and not two. From paperwork to food to emailing parents, they have done an amazing job helping me out off the water. I am extremely grateful for their help (especially not having to collect waivers from kids. Woot!

Birk Lee: This man is awesome! He has great mooching skills, smart advice and awesome Patriots sandals! I tend to be a bit more like a football coach sometimes – intense and serious. It doesn’t help I have a deeper voice than him. He built a strong foundation with DFY - he is a tough act to follow. I want to continue building the team and keep climbing up the division ranks at races.

Darren Louie: He’s the calm, and I am the storm. Darren’s a tremendous asset to the coaching staff. He was the OG of DFY coaching! So it’s been great having him back and helping me out with coaching. Great with motivating the kids. He also has a good sense of humor.

Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish sound like fun? Go to now to sign up for a free practice session!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dragon Boat Around the World - Hong Kong

Dragon boat racing is the world's fastest growing water sport! It started in China thousands of years ago as a holiday ritual. Now, it's a modern and organized sport with teams located wherever there's enough water to float a boat. In this installment, we look at Hong Kong’s Dragon Boat Festival races!

- Alex, the Minister of Newbie Happiness

Dragon Boat Festival 2012 News Roundup

*Time Out magazine published a guide to the dragon boat races that will take place in Hong Kong in late June through early July. DieselFish’s sister team, the Los Angeles Racing Dragons (LARD) will compete in the most hardcore event, the International Dragon Boat Federation’s Club Crew World Championships in Tsim Sha Tsui. Go LARD!
Go to:

*The Wall Street Journal published some stunning photographs taken at the Aberdeen races. The water must have rough that day – the paddlers look drenched.
Go to:

*What’s going on with CNNgo? It seems Turner’s travel news site isn’t publishing as much content as they used to. Their Hong Kong bureau celebrated this year’s dragon boat festival with a rerun. If you haven’t already read their 2010 article about zongzi, the rice dumplings traditionally served during the festival, it will be new to you.
Go to:

*My dad attended Diocesan Boy’s School. He emailed me a link to this video showing his alma mater's alumni team in action at the Stanley race. Go Old Boys!
Go to:

*K-pop superstars 2PM competed in a dragon boat race! You can watch the boys in action on the KBS celebrity sports show Let’s Go Dream Team! when the Dragon Boat Festival show airs in late July or early August.
Go to:
Go to:

Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish sound like fun? Go to now to sign up for a free practice session! 

Friday, June 29, 2012

June's New DieselFish Members

[Gong! Sizzle! The New Member Gong is getting so hot these days, you can fry an egg on it.*]

Like the old song goes, summertime, and the living is easy.... Especially if you’re DieselFish’s Minister of Newbie Happiness. Please welcome our three newest members!

Coach Tiffany tricked – ahem – invited Charles to a DieselFish practice, and he loved it. His enthusiasm and lively sense of humor have made him a welcome addition to the team. But he needs to get rid of those damned soccer socks he wears in the boat. Not a good look, bro. Seriously.
Sabrina is the latest addition DieselFish’s rapidly growing cadre of fearsome female warriors surnamed “Tam.” I’ve got this fantasy, in which there’s a traditional Chinese village, where everyone shares this name. The villagers’ lives revolve around dragon boat. They paddle all morning in the local river, and then, after a delicious omelet meal, they chop down trees to make artisanal paddles and boats.
Dan’s former coworker Albert enjoyed his first dragon boat experience so much, he made it a point to talk to me about the sport and upcoming practice sessions. I was thrilled to oblige, because it meant the guy had caught the Fishie Fever. There’s no easier way to put a smile on the Minister of Newbie Happiness’s face!

Summertime/And the livin’ is easy/Fish are jumpin’/And the water is high! Paddling conditions are fantastic these days, so there’s no better time to try dragon boat racing with DieselFish!

-Your Minister of Newbie Happiness

* DieselFish’s Omelet Recipe (adapted from an ancient recipe from the Tam village)

• 3 tablespoons butter or margarine, divided
• 1 can tuna fish (drained)
• 1 cup diced bok choy (spinach works, too)
• 1/4 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
• 1 tablespoon milk
• 1/2 teaspoon prepared horseradish
• 4 eggs
• 2 tablespoons water
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• Dash pepper

1. In a large New Member Gong, melt 2 tablespoons butter over medium heat. Add tuna and bok choy; cook and stir until bok choy is softened. Stir in the cheese, milk and horseradish; cook until cheese is melted. Remove and keep warm.
2. In the same gong, melt remaining butter. In a bowl, beat the eggs, water, salt and pepper. Pour into gong; cook over medium heat. As eggs set, lift the edges, letting uncooked portion flow underneath. When eggs are nearly set, spoon filling mixture over half of the omelet. Fold omelet over filling. Cover and cook for 1-2 minutes or until heated through.

Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish sound like fun? Go to now to sign up for a free practice session!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dragon Boat Festival 2012

DieselFish wishes you a happy and auspicious Dragon Boat Festival!

Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish sound like fun? Go to now to sign up for a free practice session!

Friday, June 15, 2012

DieselFish Youth at Lake Vasona

[Minister's Note: DieselFish Youth is the team's mighty high school division!]

DieselFish Youth held its first practice at the CDBA's newest practice site in the South Bay. The team had over 35 paddlers, parents and invited guests who enjoyed a BBQ tri-tip and salmon dinner to open the team's first practice at Lake Vasona. A special thanks to the CDBA Board for their continued efforts to promote the history and sport of dragon boating.

-Frank Fung

DieselFish Youth Coordinator

Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish Youth sound like fun? Go to now to sign up for a free practice session!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dragon Boat Around the World - Japan

Dragon boat racing is the world's fastest growing water sport! It started in China thousands of years ago as a holiday ritual. Now, it's a modern and organized sport with teams located wherever there's enough water to float a boat. In this installment, we look at the dragon boat scene in the port city of Yokohama, Japan!

-The Minister of Newbie Happiness
Here's a photo from a dragon boat race that took place in Yokohama recently:

Look at their faces - what do you notice? I see expressions of determination, excitement and happiness. This complex combination of feelings is not uncommon during races, and is probably the reason why the sport has become so widespread.
I'd provide more details about the race, but I can't read the festival's website:
If you can tell me the names of the top three teams, I'll send you a DieselFish sticker!
-The Minister of Newbie Happiness
Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish sound like fun? Go to now to sign up for a free practice session!

June 23rd is Juhannuspäivä!

Aiyaa! June 23rd is Juhannuspäivä!

Fishies, we gotta celebrate!

-The Minister of Newbie Happiness

Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish sound like fun? Go to now to sign up for a free practice session!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Congrats DieselFish! May Race Gold!

The California Dragon Boat Association’s May Race is a big deal for the Bay Area’s dragon boat scene. It’s the first race of the season for many teams, so the day is packed with opportunities. For the veteran paddlers, the May Race is a chance to shake off the cobwebs that may have accumulated during the off season. For the beginners, it’s a chance to get their feet wet in their first dragon boat race. For the coaches, it’s a chance to scope out the competition. This season’s May Race was packed with exciting developments for DieselFish. Our veteran Blue Boat paddled long and strong, and powered their way to gold medal. Our beginner Green Boat paddlers welcomed four new paddlers and continued their upward trajectory through the ranks. These are the kinds of performances that trouble the competition!
Here’s DieselFish Blue’s championship race. Notice how much wake the team generated near the front of the boat!
Here’s DieselFish Green’s preliminary race. Great timing, newbies!
This season’s May Race was an exciting taste of things to come! FREMONT SPRINTS, HERE WE COME!
-The Minister of Newbie Happiness
Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish sound like fun? Go to now to sign up for a free practice session!

Friday, May 11, 2012

May New Member Alert

from: The Minister of Newbie Happiness

to: DieselFish Dragon Boat Team

subject: [DieselFish Blog] New Member Update!

[GONG! I’m going to sell the New Member Gong to take advantage of the recent uptick in industrial metal commodity prices!]

Hi Fishies:

DieselFish’s recruitment boom continues unabated! I’m pleased to report an additional five new members have joined our ranks.

*Julie Ballard is the only newbie that Coach Tiffany ever told me to work on. Probably because Julie has a lot of grit hiding underneath her pleasant demeanor. She just completed her first time trial, and managed to pull a boat through the water all by herself despite her newness to our sport.

*When Emma Choi isn’t burning the midnight oil watching Korean dramas (안녕하세요!), she’s paddling hard at BIAC. Even when it’s raining hard! Emma was referred to us by our friend Adrian, but she coincidentally went to school with our very own Christine Lee.

*Dennis Cheung decided to give paddling a try after witnessing the power and grace of our sport at last year’s Treasure Island festival. Unlike most jaded New Yorkers, Dennis is capable of showing enthusiasm, and made it a point to attend every single practice he could. From now on, to avoid confusing him with Coach Dennis Chen, we shall refer to Mr. Cheung as “New York Dennis.”

*Ellen Reichert is recent transplant from Minnesota. She moved to the Bay Area for a job, and decided to try paddling with DieselFish to meet new people and stay physically active. Did you know there’s dragon boat racing in Iowa? Ellen competed in the Dubuque Dragon Boat Festival a couple of years ago with colleagues from a Girl Scout camp.

*David Liu, like myself, is a fellow son of San Mateo. This seasoned veteran paddled for four years with Boston’s Living Root team while studying at M.I.T. He came out for a practice session with us a few years ago, but couldn’t join because he was still in school at the time. This reunion truly proves the adage that nothing good gets away.

Please welcome these new members to the DieselFish family!

-The Minister of Newbie Happiness

Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish sound like fun? Go to now to sign up for a free practice session!