Our new online
hangouts are fun and comforting.
Our dock is closed. Gyms are off limits. Restaurants
aren’t seating customers. The shelter-in-place period has been difficult for
DieselFish Dragon Boat Team.
But that doesn’t mean we can’t see each other. The other night, we gathered together in front of our
respective computers for the inaugural session of our weekly video hangout.
Somehow, despite the distance between us, the hangout
felt just like one of our after-practice lunches. We shared laughs, talked
about our lives and even played a frantic game of online Pictionary.
Our teammates Anna and Akash rule
at Pictionary. We’re going to try Cards Against Humanity next time.
Health experts advise people to keep in touch with
friends and family during this stressful period. I find it comforting to spend
time with my DieselFish family.
➡ DieselFish is currently on
hiatus. We’ll resume free lessons in Redwood City after the shelter-in-place
period ends. In the meantime, you can email me your questions at
DFcaptains@gmail.com. Stay safe!
- Alex, the Minister of Newbie Happiness 🐲
Copyright 2020 DieselFish Dragon Boat Team. All rights reserved.