Saturday, November 12, 2016

What Your Favorite Dragon Boat Race Says About You | DieselFish Dragon Boat Team

DieselFish’s captain psychoanalyzes you

Every race is different and has its own unique charms. Which race is your favorite?

CDBA Regional Regatta: You wore your medal to work the next day.

CDBA Sprint Race: You can’t wait to try all the new Red Bull flavors.

CDBA Youth Race: Your coach scolded you for trying to catch a Pokémon between hit drills.

CDBA College Cup Championship: You are not sure if you should study for the MCAT or intern at Facebook.

Nevada Dragon Boat Festival: You correct people that mispronounce “Tiësto”.

Halloween Howl: There’s a grapefruit IPA waiting for you back at the tent.

Portland Rose Festival: You feel bad about eating that cereal and carbohydrate concoction from Voodoo Doughnuts, but what the hell…

Boston Dragon Boat Festival: Wow, that guy from the Sam Adams commercials really works at the brewery!

Long Beach Dragon Boat Festival: You wear flip flops all the time.

San Francisco International Dragon Boat Festival (Treasure Island): You prepared for the race by spraying salt water in your eyes.

Concord Pacific Vancouver Dragon Boat Festival: Your timing box also served as your bridesmaids.

Northern California International Dragon Boat Festival (Lake Merritt): Your coworkers wonder how you lost your voice over the weekend.

Race with us! Email us at today for free dragon boat lessons!