Monday, May 30, 2011

Games DieselFishies Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships

Dragon boat is all about cooperation and synchronization, right? So why is game night such a popular event with the team? On May 18, DieselFish once again gathered at Head Coach Birk’s private game parlor to lie, cheat, and steal from each other – all in the name of fun.

We played: Dixit (a pretty storytelling game), Munchkin (it’s like Dungeons & Dragons, but cute), 7 Wonders (an insanely complicated construction game), and our favorite, Bang! (the wild west-themed strategy game that’s been a DieselFish staple for ages).

The night wasn’t entirely focused on fun and games. We also had a potluck, complete with beer floats and three different kinds of wings. The night’s fantastic smorgasbord gave us something to focus on when we weren’t coming up with strategies to cut each others’ throats. (Birk’s so smart, he can jam an entire bucket of chicken in his mouth and wipe out an entire table of opponents at the same time.)

Some of us won, some of us lost, and many more of us walked away hungry for another shot at victory. I can't wait to screw over my teammates at the next DieselFish Game Night!

Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish sound like fun? Go to now to sign up for a free practice session!

1 comment:

  1. It’s all fun and games until the Canadian gets snippy.
