Senta joined
DieselFish to make new friends. He found that and so much more!
Q: You just finished your first race with Dieselish
today. How do you feel? How as the race?
A: We did four races. I wasn’t expecting them to be so
tiresome but fulfilling. So what you get out of it is there’s a team. It’s not
one person doing something. It’s a bunch of 20 people doing something together in unison
and actually winning. It feels good. So that type of a feeling…It’s something
Q: Why did you join DieselFish?
A: I moved here recently and I was trying to make
friends, and these are the best friends you can make…Once you join the team you
are welcome. It’s always friendly and it’s always fun. So you enjoy exercise,
the fun the activities, and building friendships. So I love it.
Congratulations, Senta!
Dragon boat racers are made, not born. We will work with
you and show you how strong and fast you can be. Email me at today for free lessons!
- Alex, the Minister of Newbie Happiness