Looking for a killer core workout? Try a dragon boat racing with DieselFish!
Look how hard the team is working! They’re facing the triple threat that dragon boat racers must overcome: water resistance, wind and current. Right now, the team members’ cores are aching. But they’re winning!
Because they’re getting a hardcore workout. The sport of
dragon boat racing is notoriously tough on the core muscles.
You see, before every stroke, the team members rotate their cores
to face the center of the boat.
Then, they bury their paddles into the water. Digging deep. As
if they’re stabbing the ocean floor.
Next, they unleash a massive counterrotation. Their core
muscles are struggling against the water pressure. A strong headwind makes this
movement even harder. The current is adding additional resistance. It feels like
the team is pulling the boat through cement.
But the team fights! Against the forces of Mother Nature
herself. Against fatigue. Against sore muscles.
Because with every stroke they’re getting stronger. And with
strength, comes speed.
After I turned off the camera, the team finished this endurance
drill. The boat became quiet and still. All you could hear was the sound of
labored breathing.
Then after a rest, the team members took deep breaths and started paddling again. DIESELFISH IS GOING TO CRUSH THIS WORKOUT.
🠊Are you ready to get stronger? Our next FREE lesson for beginners will be on Saturday 3/12 in Redwood City. Email me now at DFcaptains@gmail.com to sign up.
- Alex, the Minister of Newbie Happiness 🐲
Copyright 2022 Dieselfish Dragon Boat Team. All rights