Dragon boat racing is the world's fastest growing water sport! It started in China thousands of years ago as a holiday ritual. Now, it's a modern and organized sport with teams located wherever there's enough water to float a boat. In this installment, we look at the dragon boat scene in the port city of Yokohama, Japan!
-The Minister of Newbie Happiness
Here's a photo from a dragon boat race that took place in Yokohama recently: http://www.japantoday.com/category/picture-of-the-day/view/enter-the-dragon-3
Look at their faces - what do you notice? I see expressions of determination, excitement and happiness. This complex combination of feelings is not uncommon during races, and is probably the reason why the sport has become so widespread.
I'd provide more details about the race, but I can't read the festival's website: http://www.yokohama-dragon.com/
If you can tell me the names of the top three teams, I'll send you a DieselFish sticker!
-The Minister of Newbie Happiness
Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish sound like fun? Go to http://dieselfish.org/ now to sign up for a free practice session!