A small restaurant is confronted by big appetites!
Do you think we ordered enough dumplings? |
🐲: We don’t have a reservation.
👨: OK. How many people?
🐲: 12 people.
👨: … OH. Maybe we can move some chairs and tables around.
Going out to eat after practice is a
DieselFish tradition. It’s a great way to meet new friends, talk about paddling, and freak out people that own tiny dumpling restaurants. 🥟
→ DieselFish offers free dragon boat lessons in Redwood City.
Email me now at DFcaptains@gmail.com for details. Friends, fitness and food
with you!
-Alex, The Minister of Newbie Happiness
📸: Brian Wolverine
Copyright DieselFish Dragon Boat Team. All
rights reserved.