It’s late January already!
Did you make a fitness-related New Year's resolution? How’s it going?
Odds are, you’re not going to the gym like you said you would. That’s perfectly natural.
Because going to the gym is b o r i n g. You get on the treadmill, and you start running and running—without actually going anywhere.
No wonder you’re not making progress. You’re not excited.
But your workouts don’t have to be boring. Try a free dragon boat lesson with DieselFish.
Dragon boat will change your life:
• You’ll feel powerful as you use ALL your muscles to pull the boat through the water.
• You’ll feel exhilarated as the ocean breeze whips through your hair.
• You’ll high five your new friends after you cross the finish line.
• You’ll feel powerful as you use ALL your muscles to pull the boat through the water.
• You’ll feel exhilarated as the ocean breeze whips through your hair.
• You’ll high five your new friends after you cross the finish line.
What a sensation! Once you start, you’ll never want to stop.
You can achieve your New Year’s fitness resolutions! But only if you’re excited and motivated.
Let us energize your life in 2020 with Dieselfish dragon boat workouts!
➡️ Email me now at for free lessons in Redwood City.
- Alex, the Minister of Newbie Happiness 🐲