Saturday, December 7, 2019

Energized by Nature's Beauty | DieselFish Dragon Boat Team

You see the most beautiful sights when you're paddling a dragon boat.

San Francisco Bay Area dragon boat team DieselFish offers free lessons in Redwood City

🌧 or ☀️DieselFish always paddles.

Because it feels great to go outside and take in the natural world.

Today's practice was most rewarding. Because after a brief shower, we got to see this gorgeous 🌈!

➡️ Looking for outdoor sports adventures? Email me now at for free dragon boat lessons! You'll get stronger, meet new friends and share jaw-dropping moments of natural beauty.

-Alex, the Minister of Newbie Happiness 🐲

Copyright 2020 DieselFish Dragon Boat Team. All rights reserved.