Thursday, March 31, 2011


Recently, Team Manager Christie read a ridiculous business book that preaches the need for transparency when making leadership decisions. Her Majesty’s first step in the long march towards “openness and accountability” (whatever) was ordering me to disclose all of the questions people have recently asked me about DieselFish’s day-to-day operations. But I don’t have time for this new age, “I’m OK, you’re OK” nonsense. It would take an eternity just to type everything out. So in the interest of time and my sanity, I’ve provided just the answers. Here you go, my dear:

1) Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6-8pm and Saturday mornings from 10am-noon at 1450 Maple Street in Redwood City.
2) Yes they are. We get a lot of compliments about them.
3) Not a whole lot ever since he was deported. All my chat sessions with him start the same way: “YR NOT A COP R U? COS IF U R, U HAVE TO TELL ME, EH?”
4) The CDBA ones work just fine. Trust me.
5) Surprisingly, many of us can’t. But shame on you if you never learned how. I’m surprised you’re still alive.
6) It’s pronounced, “diesel fish,” not “die selfish.”
7) Sorry, she’s long gone. But every now and then, when the planets are aligned just right and the bloom is on the sage, she returns. I hope you get to meet her – she’ll change your life.
8) We're going to Long Beach and Boston. I'm still salty that the Leadership Committee nixed my suggestion for Tijuana again.
9) Head Coach Birk and George Steinbrenner.
10) Yes, even when it rains. It’s a brisk, life-affirming experience.
11) Sometimes you get the race, sometimes the race gets you. And sometimes, during the race, you fall off the front, get run over by the boat, and then get smacked on the head by ten rows of paddles.
12) Yes! They are great paddlers and even greater people. It’s obvious why we did it. I still can’t figure out why they did.
13) If I knew the answer to that question, I wouldn’t be at home writing this dragon boat blog entry, would I? I’d be at a dance club or one of those “fusion” lounges. Maybe it’s me. Maybe it’s the population we pull from. Maybe they’re just not into us.
14) Almost four years now.
15) You’ll have to prove you can count to ten. If you fail, off to the engine room you go!
16) You need to train and get sponsored. Then, you have to pass both a classroom and a practical exam.
17) Bite your tongue, drybag. My recipe is delicious, and you’re not being fair. If Ferran Adrià or Grant Achatz did it, you’d call it a whimsical gastronomic trompe l’oeil. But when I do it, it’s considered childish and disgusting. No respect…
15) By now, they’re okay with it. It has become amusing, and they appreciate all the business the rest of the team gives them.
16) You find a really big balloon and then tell the new guy it’s his turn to take one for the team.
17) It doesn’t make us any faster, but it leads to more interesting conversations.
19) That was one of our many brushes with celebrity. We hope it works out. We should have hired a stylist and a makeup artist to improve our image. I know for sure that the crew didn’t practice all the cute facial expressions and gestures that I taught them.
20) People on the team also enjoy basketball, running, skiing, snowboarding, swimming, and bar trivia. Our bar trivia team is actually getting to be very good.

CONTEST: Try to guess the questions! The winner gets a DieselFish prize. Email your entries to dieselfishcaptain at gmail by 4/15/11.

Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish sound like fun? Go to now to sign up for a free practice session!

Paddling to Eat: DieselFish Restaurant Reviews

Jonathan’s Fish and Chips
840 Willow Rd
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Rating: C

It’s always better to regret something that you did rather than something you didn’t do. DieselFish went to Jonathan’s Fish and Chips for the first time after the Tuesday 3/29 practice session, and opinions were mixed. The restaurant’s name led me to expect English pub fare - fish and chips sprinkled with vinegar and rolled up in newspaper, bangers and mash, and shepherd’s pie. But Jonathan’s Fish and Chips actually serves seafood in the style of the American South. Everything that landed on our plates was coated in cornmeal batter and deep-fried. We ordered fish and chips (catfish, snapper, sole), hush puppies, and oyster sandwiches. A couple of us made cannibalism jokes (DieselFishies eating fried fish. Get it?).

*The cornmeal crust kept the food from getting oily and heavy. That’s hard to do!
*The variety of fish you can order is large.
*They serve big portions.

*The cornmeal crust on my sole had a rough and scratchy texture.
*A few people complained their food was “dry.” But others said their fish was moist. Maybe it depends on the kind of fish you order.
*They take cash only!
*The seating was cramped and split up.
*The owner told us he was closing up shop, and then instructed us not to open the door FOR ANYONE because he was afraid of getting ROBBED. (Really? In Menlo Park?)

I doubt we’ll head back to Jonathan’s Fish and Chips for dinner again, because the quality of the food isn’t consistent and mindblowingly delicious enough to overcome the many inconveniences that we would have to deal with. Although some of us had decent meals, just as many did not. This small restaurant isn’t large enough to handle groups of our size comfortably. The threat of getting robbed doesn’t exactly stimulate the appetite either.

Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish sound like fun? Go to now to sign up for a free practice session!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Last Night a Dragon Boat Practice Saved My Life

Now that the days are longer, DieselFish has begun practicing on Tuesdays from 6-8pm again. Paddling after work may seem odd, but it’s actually a great way to unclench after a grueling day spent indoors chained to a cubicle.

I’m glad that I attended this week’s Tuesday practice session, because the exercise made all the anxieties about upcoming deadlines that were malingering in my head disappear. All I had to worry about was staying in time with the rest of the crew. My mood got even better after practice when a post-workout endorphin rush kicked in, and flooded my brain with feel good chemicals. I tell people that the best time to break bad news to me is after I get out of the boat, because at that moment, all is right with the world.

If you can’t make it to DieselFish’s Saturday morning practices, please join us on Tuesday evenings. Your evenings will become more healthful and fun.

Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish sound like fun? Go to now to sign up for a free practice session!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Little Pink Man is Jumping for Joy Out of His Seat!

I’ve forgotten most of the Mandarin that I learned in college, so I don’t watch Chinese movies very often. But I really want to see “Breaking the Waves,” a movie about dragon boat racing.

The trailer gets good around the 35-second mark. Schlock like that makes me take back what I wrote earlier about the movie’s subject matter. It looks like “Breaking the Waves” is about dragon boat racing the same way “Deliverance” is about canoeing.

Oh well. Even "Rocky" had a love story in it. At least the training scenes look exciting, don’t they? Such determination! Such strength! Such horrible technique! The race scene is just as ridiculous. Not only does the boat flip over, it snaps in half like a papier-mâché Titanic! (Note to Coach Birk – Please cancel the order for the knockoff BuK boat. It’s not worth it.)

TWO THUMBS UP! Does anyone have a copy of this movie? It’s time for another DieselFish movie night!

Hello Internet friends! Doesn’t dragon boat racing with DieselFish sound like fun? Go to now to sign up for a free practice session!